Monday, December 8, 2014


Lack of decisiveness will surely be my demise.
Have you ever struggled with making a simple, daily decision? Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner…! I barely can get my life together let alone chose what I want for breakfast. This is something I would like to work on. It’s beginning to put a strain on almost all of my relationships ie. work, family, intimate. Knowing it’s causing an issue, one would think it would be a quick fix. For some reason, that’s not the case. I struggle communicating what’s in my head. For the life of me, I can’t choose corresponding words with my racing thoughts. In turn, I shut down and it’s impossible for me to have a mature, adult conversation.
In my last post I mentioned that my family thought that I could have ADHD. I’ve been paying closer attention to my actions and behaviors and my dad might be onto something. I am a jumbled random haphazardly put together mess. Maybe one day I will get my act together. One can only hope. I’m not quite sure what my online journal blog will become. Perhaps a DIY blog? Strictly journal entries? Crafts made by me? Doodles and paintings by yours truly? Maybe an assortment of all of the above?
You tell me America!
Food for thought - What do you say in response to someone who gives you an unexpected gift? Not to mention the person the gift came from was also unexpected. Yet another mystery encountered in my life. Hint: Bacon.
Until next time,


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